Maths Word Problems - Set 1 (Subtraction)

Maths Word Problems - Set 1 (Subtraction)

1. Kartik placed an order for 20345 yellow and white balloons for decorating a party hall. There were 9415 yellow balloons and the rest were white. How many white balloons were there?

2. The difference between two numbers is 57894. One number is 135875. Find the other number.

3. There were 6215 seats in an open theater. 1047 people came to watch the play. How many seats were vacant?

4. 6821 sheets were used from a pile of 8700 sheets to make a notebooks for children. How many sheets were left?

5. 28485 apples were packed into cartons in Kullu. When the Cartons were opened 2445 apples were found to be rotten and had to be thrown away. How many apples were left?